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For infants, children less than 7 years old, and adult baptisms, please return to our main website for details on how to register


For children 7 years and older, you will need to contact the Office of Religious Education ( or 650 574 8716) to register for classes.  According to the Code of Canon Law, they have reached the “age of reason” and are therefore able to come to at least a basic understanding of their faith. It is important that they receive two years of faith formation to prepare them to receive the Sacrament of Baptism, and any other Sacraments of Initiation (Eucharist, Confirmation).


Children who have not received formal instruction in the faith from a Catholic School or Parish are invited to join our Religious Education program to prepare for Baptism. We will typically register a child for our regular RE program for their first year, and for their second year, they will join a sacramental preparation group with other children in their same situation (RCIC or Rite of Christian Initiation for Children). High school-aged youth will be evaluated on an individual basis.

First Holy Communion

For adults interested in celebrating their First Holy Communion with our community, please return to our main website for details


Preparing children for First Holy Communion is a two-year process most commonly beginning in first grade. After completion of the Level 1 and Level 2 curriculum, students receive their First Reconciliation and their First Holy Communion, which usually takes place in April/May.


Level 1 is considered the first year of preparation for First Communion for children 6 or 7 years of age. Most students complete this class as first graders. The theme of the course is ‘God Loves Us’ and emphasizes; how Jesus teaches us to love God; that we are disciples of Jesus; that we belong to the Church and how we celebrate and live our faith. The children will also be taught the basic prayers of our faith (the Sign of the Cross, the Gory be, Grace before Meals Prayer, the Hail Mary and the Our Father).


In Level 2 our students complete their preparation for the First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion. The theme of the course is ‘Jesus Shares God’s Life’ and emphasizes; that Jesus Christ is always with us; that Jesus calls us to penance and Reconciliation; that Jesus gives himself in the Eucharist and; how we live our Catholic faith. The students will also complete a separate First Eucharist preparation book. Students and parents will also be asked to participate in various celebrations leading up to First Holy Communion.


Students third grade through 8th grade who need preparation for First Communion will also complete two years, one at their grade level and the 2nd year, as part of the RCIA* adapted for Children (RCIC) class.



  • A baptismal certificate needs to be presented at the time of registration for the First Communion Program.

  • Parents are expected to participate in the preparation of their child for this sacrament by attending the various celebrations and meetings that are an integral part of the program.

  • Attendance at First Communion Celebration Dates


Contact Information:
For information about the First Communion program please contact the Office of Religious Education - Children's Faith Formation at 650-574-8716 or


*Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults


Confirmation For Teens

Parish students entering 7th grade or older who wish to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation are required to complete our 2 year parish program which includes attendance at group meetings, Youth Masses, service to others, a retreat and completion of a Teen Safety training course.



  • Proof of Baptism and First Communion is required at the time of registration.



Confirmation For Adults

Adults wishing to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation please contact the Office of Religious Education



  • Any adult baptized Catholic wishing to complete the Sacrament of Confirmation.



Contact Information:
The Office of Religious Education at 650-574-8716 or

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